Freelance Update
I hope that you all are well. Because of my current schedule, I won't be doing any freelance work for a while with animation,...

Temporarily Closing
I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe. Due to my busy schedule, I will temporarily close from all of my services as a...
Check out my profile on Upwork! https://www.upwork.com/o/profil…/users/_~0110771e8ccaf69175/
Check out my profile on Alignable. https://www.alignable.com/chicago-il/freelance-animation

ACTIO Learning & Urban Autism Solutions
LINKS IN DESCRIPTION. https://www.facebook.com/kliquecreative/videos/395342907512647 An animated video for Klique Creative. Special...
I am now officially hired for my first paid freelance gig! Wish me luck! -Nico